Go Forth
in Peace
to Him

Saint Clare’s is a Christ-centred family where everyone is valued and respected. We learn and grow, whilst strengthening our relationship with God and one another.

Together in His love, we can achieve our full potential.

Play, learn and grow together with Christ

September 2024


PTFA Family Quiz

Year 5 back in the swing

We are back in the swing of things in Cherry class - busy as always!! On Monday, we started our Rainforest topic - using the atlas' to locate the rainforests around the world. The children are becoming really confident at using the atlas' and are developing their map...

Mass, Maths, Music and More!

It has been a busy first full week back to school, we have attended whole school Mass with the Parish and have learnt about the Fourth Commandment in RE. In Music, we started our twentieth century music topic- can you answer some of the questions from our display? In...

Year 6 – Summer Term

Welcome back to the Summer Term. It was lovely to see some of you last night sharing your children’s work and asking them all about their learning in school. I hope you all had a good Easter break. This week we have launched back into our curriculum delving deeper...

The Gingerbread Man

We have had a great first full week back full of exciting activities. We have started learning all about the Gingerbread Man story. We have acted out the story, spotted capital letters within the story and even completed some Gingerbread Man experiments to see what...

Science Science Science!!!

What a great couple of days we have had exploring forces!!! Over the last few days we have been emerged in Sciences, carrying out a range of experiments to investigating different forces. From gravity to friction to water resistance to air resistance!!!! The children...

Our Ancient Greek Sculptures.

In Pine Class we have been learning about Giacometti and his unique sculpturing style. The children evaluated his work and used it to design their own sculptures. Our sculptures are inspired by the Ancient Greek Olympic sports.  

Talk Homework 9

At St. Clare’s we recognise the importance of speaking and listening skills.  Speaking and listening underpins all that we do and therefore are the building blocks of learning. In order to develop your child’s speaking and listening skills I regularly set ‘Talk...

Happy Easter

What a joyful day! Today we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. A day we remember as the high point in our lives as Catholics. By rising from the dead, Jesus showed us that he has conquered death and promises new life to all! Today we hear in the Gospel how...

Happy Easter

We have learnt so much about Jesus' life during Holy Week. We learnt about Palm Sunday and made our own palms. We also learnt about the Last Supper and even acted out the story using bread and Ribena! We learnt about Good Friday and Easter Sunday and really enjoyed...

Good Friday

We call this day “good” because, on that day, God saved us from sin through the sacrifice of His Son. Only God can turn something like the Crucifixion into something wonderful: the Easter Resurrection. While it is very sad that Jesus was crucified, we understand that...

School Classes

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