Go Forth
in Peace
to Him

Saint Clare’s is a Christ-centred family where everyone is valued and respected. We learn and grow, whilst strengthening our relationship with God and one another.

Together in His love, we can achieve our full potential.

Play, learn and grow together with Christ

September 2024


Final Day of Term

Marvellous Maths

This week we have been learning about mass and how to measure mass. We have used weighting scales to measure, add, subtract and compare mass. We have also been learning about persuasive letter writing and we have written a persuasive letter about why they would be a...


The children have had a fantastic week learning to ride their bikes safely on the road. They have become much more confident riding and maneuvering their bikes safely, being observant cyclists, tackling arm signals and turning at junctions. The majority of the...

Directions, porridge, orienteering and maps

The children really enjoyed their stories based on the Magic Porridge Pot and were extremely excited when they shared them with the characters in their stories. It was amazing to discover how many teachers had sneaked into Willow class to steal our magic pot. In maths...


Good afternoon, We have had a lovely week in Hazel class learning all about non-chronological reports and different exporers, particularly looking at Lucy Cheesman and Sir David Attenborough. We have even sorted a number of explorers into chronological order and...

Minibeast Madness

We have started our 'Minibeast' topic and we are loving it already! We have transformed our role-play area into a minibeast laboratory so we can all be super scientists ready for our Science Technology Engineering Mathematics week next week. We have been learning all...

Talk Homework 11

At St. Clare's we recognise the importance of speaking and listening skills.  Speaking and listening underpins all that we do and therefore are the building blocks of learning. In order to develop your child's speaking and listening skills I regularly set 'Talk...

We are so proud of you Year 6!

Year 6 have completed their assessments! After working with the children this week, I feel nothing but pride. The way the children have come in to school every day and given their absolute best, no matter how they are feeling on the inside, is truly amazing! All...


We had a fabulous day at Brockholes Nature Reserve today! We used our map skills to follow a map to the Deep Dark Woods where we made our own floor maps out of natural materials. We saw lots of different habitats including, river, lake, woodland, meadow and hedgerow....

Elder in the forest

Over the past few weeks we have had a helper in our Forest. Mr Walmsley has been helping us make our mallets for our den making next week. Also whilst that activity has been going on we have made our own tree spirits, made a treasure hunt for our friends and of course...

A world where you can be anything you want to be

We have had a great time this week thinking about all the things different people and characters do from super heroes to gardeners and their characteristics like being strong and kind. We have been working in the outdoor area as we have a couple of trees being removed...

School Classes

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