Go Forth
in Peace
to Him

Saint Clare’s is a Christ-centred family where everyone is valued and respected. We learn and grow, whilst strengthening our relationship with God and one another.

Together in His love, we can achieve our full potential.

Play, learn and grow together with Christ

September 2024


May Procession

Dancing and animation!

This week we have begun to use the computers to create our own animations.  We discussed what animation is and what images we were going to draw to create our clips. Our dance in PE is finally coming together and everyone had great ideas when working with their...

Mary, The Mother of Our Church

May is fast approaching, so in class we have been preparing for this month of Mary. We have been doing some Art work, that is now displayed in the entrance hall and we have been reading about Mary in the Bible. We read the first story where Mary appeared in the New...

What a busy week!

What a lovely week we have had in Hazel class.   We have enjoyed planning our own Whales' Song story, introducing our new characters and working hard to use adjectives and conjunctions in our work. We have also been practicing our addition and subtraction...

3D Printing

This week we started our 3D printing unit and the children are all hooked. We are currently trying out designs using different programs and we are working together to decide our final product. The awe on their faces when the printer began was truly amazing, ''Can you...

Year 6

Year 6 have been great role models in school this week. Working hard in class as well as supporting other children across the school. In RE we have been looking at the meaning of Communion and how we can live in Communion with Jesus. We have also started coding in...

The Gingerbread Man’s Adventures

This week we have continued to learn all about the 'Gingerbread Man' story. We made boats and bridges for him and then tested them to see if they worked. They didn't! So we carried out experiments to find out what floats and what sinks. We also tested different...

Ribchester Roman Museum.

We had a fantastic day at Ribchester Roman Museum yesterday. We learnt lots of facts from the historian Patrick, we tried on Roman armour and visited Roman ruins. Here are some  pictures from our tip.   

Talk Homework 10

At St. Clare’s we recognise the importance of speaking and listening skills.  Speaking and listening underpins all that we do and therefore are the building blocks of learning. In order to develop your child’s speaking and listening skills I regularly set ‘Talk...

Exploring our School

This week we began our English topic on familiar settings and our Geography topic based on our school. The children's first task has been to go on a treasure hunt being led by riddles about our school. Great fun was had by all and the children enjoyed the reward at...

Starting our Summer Term

What a busy first full week back we have had!  In RE we have started to look at stories from the New Testament and asked lots of wondering questions.  We discussed our questions and noticed that some we cannot answer. We really enjoyed writing a character description...

School Classes

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