Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers

Willow class are enjoying their new book in English all about a dragon named Zog. They have been finding out about his character and considering how he might be feeling or what he could be thinking. We have started our science topic on materials by following a trail...
Penguin Poems and Mason Wood

Penguin Poems and Mason Wood

What a lovely week we have had. The children worked hard to learn different penguin poems and preformed them to their peers. We then wrote our own penguin poems. We all enjoyed our visit to Mason Wood and even managed to see a few...
Making Healthy Snacks.

Making Healthy Snacks.

What a busy week we have had. The children have completed their fact files about penguins and were very confident when reading them to their peers. In mathematics we used part, part whole frames to solve missing number problems within addition. In science the children...
5 Oceans

5 Oceans

In Geography with have continued finding out about our amazing world. The children used an atlas to locate the oceans and then labeled their own map of the world. We also learnt a song to help us to remember the names of our oceans. We have been comparing numbers in...