
Geography raises and answers questions about the natural and human worlds. 

Children will develop their knowledge and skills about places and environments through the study of interesting topics. They will also investigate issues concerning the quality of the environment and be encouraged to think about their values, rights and responsibilities to other people and for the care of the earth. 

The Blog

Visitors and Poetry

Visitors and Poetry

What a productive and busy week we have had! We have learnt and written motif and haiku poetry this week in English and I have been impressed by the range of figurative language the children have included in their poems. We definitely have some budding poets in Elder...

Turnip Soup and Oatcakes

Turnip Soup and Oatcakes

This week in Willow Class we have continued to explore the story of the enormous turnip with some of the children acting out the story and all of us trying turnip soup. In geography the children have began to recognise the 4 points of a compass and considered the...

Geography Fieldtrip

Geography Fieldtrip

The week began with our Geography fieldtrip to Mason's Wood. Ribble River Trust explained the process of erosion and how we were unable to walk along Savick Brook because of erosion. We also discussed how used Christmas trees and sticks were helping with erosion on...

The Gallery