Holy Week

We ended last week with Bishop’s Fund Day where the children helped raise money for a new ACN project. This week began with Year 6 visiting our class and sharing with us who God is to them. Elder Class thought about who God is to them and created a watercolour painting expressing this. During the afternoon, we went to church where Father Stephen and Father John Mark led Reconciliation. In English, we have been learning how to structure newspapers this half term. In RE we used this skill and reported about the events of Jesus’ journey along the Via Dolorosa to Golgotha on Good Friday.

Each week we share prayer and liturgy with Willow class and yesterday we spent sometime reading our favourite Bible stories to one another. Later in the day, we explored the Stations of the Cross and used sources to express a point of view about the journey Jesus took. The children asked questions and we talked about how Jesus showed forgiveness to others.

During assembly, we shared a short prayer and reflection about the Last Supper. Wishing you all a Happy and Blessed Easter.

Mrs Clack

Important notice

Please remember PE days will be on a Tuesday after Easter.