Spring has sprung

What a lovely week we have had looking for signs of spring at school and at home. We have found lots of things to show us it is definitely on the way with flowers being brought in for us, branches with  buds on and pink blossom. We have thought about he cycle of our seasons and how now spring is coming all those bulbs and trees that were sleeping in winter are waking up and ready to grow again. There has been lots of talk about what they need to do to grow and be healthy comparing this to ourselves. We have been thinking about how we need to drink lots of water and eat lots of healthy food to help us grow strong and healthy just like the plants and trees.
Our STAR approach word of the week has been ‘observation’ and the children have worked really well in using it throughout all their learning and have created some amazing observational drawings.
St Patricks day was celebrated though a twist on one of our favourite songs/ books with us reading ‘There was an old lady that swallowed a clover’.
finally what an end to the week we had learning and sharing the Hindu Holi festival with friends in our class. It was very very messy but a great time was had by all. Happy Holi to all.